Friday, April 10, 2009

Church culture mobile: mobile tariff for Christians

Moconto realized rate for Christian-oriented people

By Culture Church launches mobile now a wireless plan with added services for Christian-culturally interested people. A mobile portal provides media content to be ecumenical and cultural issues. Within Germany, the contract free of charge to customers on their WAP mobile phone access.

Mobile info

The mobile portal provides information on arts, music and literature. In addition to book reviews and ideas CD-church culture can be mobile customers multimedia content, for example, worship, exhibitions, concerts and readings on their mobile phone. Religious institutions is the opportunity to present their community lives in the portal on it too. From the diocese until the church can be any device with a platform to create their own content via forums and exchange.

The mobile portal also offers the opportunity to donate and for every customer is a euro a month to a nonprofit organization donated after his election.

The tariff church culture has a mobile connection price of 19,90 Euro. The monthly fee is 9.90 euros without subsidized mobile phones and € 14.90 with a subsidized phone. The minimum term is 24 months.

Calls into the German fixed and mobile networks in other expenses cost 15 cents per minute. SMS cost is also 15 cents. Talks to other church culture mobile customers are free. Optional is an SMS-Flat church culture to other mobile customers for 4,95 Euro for 30 days hinzugebucht be.

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